Sil-Fusion Part Port

$ 0.00

The Sil-Fusion Part Ports are ports used for attaching vacuum and or resin lines to reusable silicone vacuum bags. Since the Ports are made from the same extremely durable Sil-Fusion silicone as the bags there is no compatibility issue during the manufacture of the silicone vacuum bag allowing the Ports to get bonded in during the 3rd-4th layers of making the bag. These Ports can also be used with any other silicone vacuum bagging systems by bonding the Ports to the bag after full cure of the bag with an RTV* adhesive. These Ports are the only ports on the market that are correctly sized as to not need clamps to get a perfect vacuum seal.

*Test the RTV on the bag to ensure a good bond is possible prior to bonding on any SF-Ports.

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